
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Unity Puzzle

During the first 6-day cycle of school classes were able to visit the guidance room.  I shared with them various features of the room and explained that this time is called 'Classroom Guidance' (since the whole class is present).

We all participated in an ice breaker activity.  This was a great way for me to begin putting names with faces and also learn a small bit of information about each student.  At the conclusion of the ice breaker activity we discovered that even though we are all part of the same school, we are each different.  This discovery was made into an analogy regarding a jigsaw puzzle.  Each piece of the puzzle is different, yet we need every piece in order for our puzzle to be complete -- just like each individual at school is different, yet we need all of us in order for our school to be complete.

Each student was given a giant blank puzzle piece.  After they each decorated their puzzle piece in a way that represented their self, they were able to place it on the Chill Zone wall, connecting themselves to others in the school.  Below is a picture of our puzzle as it looks today.  Students who have returned to the guidance room have enjoyed finding their piece within the puzzle and were amazed at how much it has grown in size!

Our completed puzzle!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Tour Of The Guidance Room

Welcome to a new school year!  I'm excited to share the guidance room with you.  You are all invited to visit in person but until then you can enjoy a virtual tour!


Chill Zone
This is my favorite area of the guidance room!  Just like at home when you hang out with your friends, the Chill Zone is a great area to have open and honest discussions.

Classroom Curriculum
Each classroom will visit the guidance room one time per 6-day cycle.  Together we will learn about various topics throughout the year.  Some topics may include: the Character Counts pillars, social skills, teamwork, getting along with others, bullying, communicating feelings, and test preparation.  Topics will be determined by the needs present in the school and events occuring in the community.  The Prairie Valley Elementary team wants our youth to be prepared for life and succeed!

The front of Mrs. Deal's desk:
"What you say in here, stays in here."
Confidentiality allows students to share their thoughts and feelings with the confidence that it will not leave this room.  This primarily is for individual and small group counseling sessions. 

In order ensure safety, there are three circumstances in which confidentiality may be broken.  Those exceptions include:
1.  Someone is hurting you.
2.  You want to hurt someone.
3.  You want to hurt yourself.