
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Trustworthy Hearts

Students at Prairie Valley Elementary had the opportunity to learn about trustworthiness during the months of January and February.  First grade students applied what they learned to an activity related to hearts -- very fitting for Valentine's Day.

Each student received a piece of a giant heart made from red construction paper.  On their piece they drew or wrote one promise that has been kept.  It could be a promise they made to someone else or a promise that someone else made to them.

"I promised that I would do the recycling."

"My grandma promised me that we would go to Good Will."

"Once I promised my mom that I would do the dishes."

After students completed their piece of the heart, the pieces were assembled into a complete heart (one heart per first grade class).  We talked about what would happen if a piece of the heart were missing.  In other words, how would your heart feel if a promise was broken?  This helped students think about the importance of keeping their promises and being trustworthy with their words.

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